tiistai 26. heinäkuuta 2022

How will the future generations describe us?


How will the future generations describe us?

What do we know about even the most critical mechanisms related to our current decisions, actions and the forms of organization (the structuring of our common systems)?

Mainly referring to the concept that we call a "society".

How does our money work?

What is the structure of it and the mechanism of its functions (creation, use and eradication)?

How stupid would it be to build even a house from a material that we don't know about?
And also simultaneously to build on a surface of which angle, stability or other properties we have no clue about.
Let alone try to build a whole world economy, nations and mega-corporations in conditions similar to these sort of settings.

How stupid is it to try to handle this common house and market of ours blindly?
Claiming to fix the eventual water damages(mold problems)--that
are invited by the immense negligence--without even considering the leaks in the pipes or other obvious steps towards a real renovation.
Limiting the interactions to a setting where only buying constantly more moldy wood to pile on an ever increasing pile of poisonous blockade over the damages.
"Moldy wood?" One might ask.
Because even the suppliers of wood don't truly understand how water damages or mold problems form (or is using the situation in a profoundly sick way).
Basically there isn't no proper consideration of how excessive, all-pervading and unlimited water could even cause problems.
Similarly as the immense stupidity that there hasn't even been a proper consideration of how excessive, all-pervading and unlimited interest-profiteering, or usury, could cause problems.
Even though in the past it has been considered even to be one of the most serious crimes, on par with murder.
While the ongoing situation, setting and legislation is causing ever increasing strains, burdens, problems and diseases.
All neglected, out-sourced, dodged, disguised or hidden.
Scraped under the carpet of tomorrow.
Meanwhile the pile (of moldy wood) under the carpet just constantly keeps getting bigger.
As this way of setting and approach entails that there cannot be any other way of covering the costs, as to get constantly more moldy wood (as the surface area of the "fix" also increases, and the obvious mold problems need covering as well).
And to top the whole fiasco off, there are constant attempts to disguise the whole act and its diseased products as "responsible management and policy making" and "progress".
In the current way of organization there doesn't exist any money in the system to cover the interest of the former loan, if there isn't a new loan.
Yet another debt, that causes even more interest-burdens.
Multitudes more stupid and destructive than trying to fix a water damaged houses with the aforementioned manner.
As similar situations have been leading towards f.ex. the deterioration of societies that have been a foundation for insane cruelty and violence, even in the recent history.

Instead of proper expertise we have just use a pile of repeated rhetoric century after century as the main tools, excuses and "reasoning" for our actions and "advancements".
Neglecting or even ridiculing all the critical thinking and proper considering.
Using our superficiality to make room for manufacturing organized superficiality, widespread societal superficiality, with all the sick properties, causing even more unnecessary damage and destruction.
On a massive scale.

How stupid would it be to try to solve a problem with (f.ex. plastic) waste, without proper emphasis on the assessing of its production and diminishing the needs for its unnecessary use?

Or how insanely (criminally) stupid would it be to just cure the symptoms of a person and slowly witness the patients worsening condition, while neglecting basically everything related to the root causes (and/or exposures to risks) gradually revealing the interaction to be actual torture?

After the wars it was said that the apartment buildings were to be just used as a temporary solution to buy time to build REAL HOMES.

Please feel free to notice the pattern basically everywhere.

Superficiality, constant contradictions or rather worsening conflicts, in a situation that could be solved (probably quite efficiently) IF it would be truthfully confronted and addressed.

How many problems are we addressing and trying to solve without properly knowing the cause (let alone the possibilities to fix it)?
So more precisely, claiming to addressing them.
Leading to a situation where the situation gradually deteriorates.
Why is it that there are so many similarly wasteful and blatantly disastrous problems that are just basically being allowed to continue to get worse and worse?
While the solution is not even truthfully being considered, even if its quite obvious to everyone who truly investigates, ponders and comprehends the situation for a tiny moment.

Where different actors compete who appears to be the most responsible and productive, while having no clue about how the system works. Or straight deceiving the public, and probably himself as well (a spectrum of stupidity, superficiality, ignorance and lies).

On the other hand our problems are completely compatible and similar to the unnecessary strain and conflict our monetary system produces.
As our whole money supply is based, and thus completely dependent on debt, and the "god-given?!?!!" right to create the debt (money), and to profit from the interests is decided without even proper discussion, let alone common knowledge and proper transparency.. although we have a lot to do to fix the whole public decision making, "democracy" as we say..).
And on top of that all the illegal and legal crimes are causing their respective disasters, damages and destruction, that are being neglected or even actively silenced (Panama- & Pandora-papers etc. are just the tip of the iceberg, and the lies in the media and the chronic incapability of our legal and political systems to handle the situation on top of that).
Revealing the actual ethical and moral capabilities of the circles that are benefiting from the current systems and arrangements.

We are lending the whole modern money supply, with interest, with 0 reason, with unsustainable strain, from a group of people of which actions and intentions we have only negative proof of.
Juggling, as in the hot-potato-game, who gets to pay the most burdens of the completely unnecessary frictions of the criminally insane legal arrangements.
But also all suffering in different degrees, gradually more and more, as the amount of money that can be used to pay the interest, does not exist in the system if there isn't more debt to be taken.
Vicious-circle at its worst.
At the root of all our economical decisions and actions.
Causing similar properties to spread to everything we do.
Thinking include

We have been constantly warned, for over a hundred years, even by Nobelists of natural sciences.
By people who knew how to make something ACTUAL to ACTUALLY WORK (f.ex. Frederick Soddy).
That have also offered solutions or at least some actual steps to start building towards functioning systems of an operational society.
While being ignored, rejected or even ridiculed with no reason.
Based on the similar social pressures and trendy fashion-climates of baseless opinions, that are growing their influence nowadays in alarming rates.
Pieces of their ideas and work have been later taken (stolen) without proper acknowledgement (probably partly by the same people that spat on them previously).

And the problems have continued to grow, outpacing even the immense technological advancement, which have even been increased by the benefits of a functioning infrastructure; during relatively long time of peace (that should NOT be a rare fortune, IF we had a healthy and functioning systems of "society").

The results of the studies about alleviation of poverty by UN/WB have been mainly because of the use of different value of dollars (in my books just plain deceit), and now we are facing an actual crisis (with real products; wheat, fertilizers) on top of the (relatively imaginary and arbitrary) monetary (debt) problems.
This could result in similar or even more damage to human lives than what the previous world wars afflicted.

How many have already been lost?
How many are suffering at this moment?
What is the the current pressure even to your life and the lives of those near you? (Even here, in the "winning" nations.)

Economic warfare is no joke.
Especially if its actions are allowed to continue and increase unhinged century after century.
Do we remember what kind of evidence we have about the ethical and moral excellence of the Aristocracy from the past?
Well at least we are all being exploited now, gradually more "equally".
As slowly and gradually one by one the countries crumble and succumb under the weight of the ever increasing burdens of the ever tightening vicious-circle of the debt-slavery.
The emotionally and "intellectually" manipulated and hijacked people tend to repeat (like parrots) things like:
"Hey, stop complaining, our country is doing fine.. compared to *this and that*."
Even the winners lose in this race, a race that is pointless to begin with.
And gradually gets more violent, sick and destructive.
From the point of view of a functional (societal) system at least.
But from the point of view of an Aristro-Crazy, this arrangement might be just the sort of way to bring back the worst of the old times.

Maybe we should think a bit and figure something out, before suffering continuously more (relative to the actual possibilities) and exposing the younger generations to gradually worsening conditions to observe and act upon the problems (with all the increasing manipulation by these kinds of "social" platforms for one).

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"Unohtakaa arvojen siilipuolustus, unohtakaa loputon somekauhistelu ja nouskaa arkipäiväisen yläpuolelle" https://yle.fi/a/74-200...