We have the tools we need.
AND the capacity to train towards harnessing them skillfully.
So why are we as a society begging for trouble?
So forcefully and deliberately.
Even in a desperate fashion?!
Is it truly better to have a fashionable, trendy and politically correct (socially "safe", limited, fractured) view than a more complete and functional one?
Nowadays the point about the state of moderate people by John Cleese ("benefits of extremism") hits the spot HARD.
When there is a crime-wave going, is it good to join a band of criminals and limit the scope of actions towards only accusing and fighting off other crime-gangs, instead of working towards the restoration of an authentic (dynamic) system of order?
That requires (a constant) feedback, change and preservation, but also produces true benefits and plenitude.
Or would it be more comfortable to buy into the same nice marketing campaign just because a big enough of a crowd (according to the marketers) seems to do so?
Even though the effects of the hype won't last long.
Even though the uncertain and untrustworthy benefits of the products, behavior patterns, ideas, won't last long.
Even thought the total cost, the related risks, strains and disadvantages that weren't a part of the marketing campaign will last long.
So would it be a smart idea to build the house of your understanding as "everyone else", who are dumb enough to buy into the same mental asbestos?
"It seems to work (for a while), and is accepted be scientific community (on the politically influenced and dominated surface)!"
"The bubble-economy seems to increase wealth and alleviate poverty (for a tiny time-span, and from an impressively narrow viewpoint)!"
"This seems safe and good, we seem to be standing together (until reality, the total results, start stepping into the picture)!"
A crucial lack of understanding our current state(&thus also others); the shallowness&narrowness of our point of view can keep us chained to all of this suffering and madness, binding and enslaving us. Despite all the available and plentiful opportunities and cures, that are thus being forcefully distorted and denied by that blindness and the resulting arbitrary judgement.
With superficial and short-tempered "criticism" and almost total lack of introspection it is near impossible to earn any other kinds of results.
The temptations and marketing campaigns (framing) towards these kinds of insane and pathological behaviors seem to be flooding, so there might be a real challenge here (even thought all of this is blatantly and obviously insane and criminally stupid).
Supporting (even "legally") organized crime (terror organizations included), twisting markets and creating ever more unfair advantages for the already monopolistic companies and cartels might be worse than a bad idea. [1]
The 2008 housing market systematic-crime-wave should've been way more than enough. And after that there's been a constant flow of leaks big enough for their own to prove that urgent measures are needed: the Panama and Pandora's papers, the London LIBOR scandal etc..
Revealing that there is a need to reform our whole judiciary system as well.
The foundations that helped to lift humanity out of the dark ages have been rotting away. Breaking the foundations laid by f.ex. Magna Carta, even in brutal manners, as ECB has broken its mandate by making citizens of nations to pay for the "possibly" criminal behavior of Deutche Bank etc.. That have used unsustainable risks to make profit and the resulting bankruptcy as a cruel weapon to "extort" (also deceive on multiple levels) the people pay for the losses and damages.
Recent additions have been the contracts with a certain company with a long lasting criminal record, in similar fashion, but even with bigger scandals and farces than 10 years ago (then it was the EMA&GSK scandal, that P. Doshi among others wrote articles about). [2]
Sealing the deal with the careless outsourcing of the constitutional responsibilities and decision making to equivalently superficial politicians and journalists. Sugarcoating the toxic happymeal-combo. [3]
Instead of making hasty judgements and catastrophic(ally bind and automatic) reactions, it just might be a bit more reasonable, beneficial and wise to at least consider a bit about the situation at hand and our (inter)actions.
What if our marketed "opponents" could serve to complement our views?
And increase and sharpen our perceptions and knowledge by challenging them?
Of course there can be a lot of fanaticism and fundamentalism on both sides to block the healthy attempts, but there also are at least some people that are still capable for discussion about some topics and are not yet completely full of pathological behavior.
We can notice the similar patterns of thought, emotions and behavior in ourselves as well, and learn better to cultivate the cures and weed the diseased parts.
We can start gradually realizing the vicious circles of superficial or even arbitrary division, and recognizing what parts we are missing, complement our vision, and then OFFER help and support for the others to heal their views as well, towards an integrated understanding.
Some of the seeds will land on a fertile ground (true growth and healing cannot be forced or rushed).
Revealing and realizing that the superficially defined "opponent" can actually be our true friend and ally. And that the futile fighting, that still manages to cause even disastrous damage, is continuing on both sides, and it was started and it is continuing largely because neither "side" has recognized the actual enemies, dangers or diseases, neither their actual allies, tools and cures.
So instead of wasting the energy to feed the beast(s), we can learn to see the missing opportunities that become ever more clear as we broaden and sharpen our conception of the "battlefield*".
The emerging collection of beneficial states of clarity, calmness and connection (unity) serves for us as a lighthouse to pass through the smog of all this shallow arguing that is hiding the fertile areas behind them and wasting time.
So please, just stop for a moment.
"Let there be light!"
Habitable forms of order, created through true words, from the chaos. Thus turning the distorted and suffocated views, negligence and ignorance towards and increased clarity, caring and knowledge.
Starting with even a single spark of awareness in the mind and in the heart of the being.
[1] https://www.forbes.com/sites/afontevecchia/2012/07/16/hsbc-helped-terrorists-iran-mexican-drug-cartels-launder-money-senate-report-says/ (similar available for many other institutions as well, Nordea & its laundering of Russian mafia money etc.
1.1 https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-12475350
1.2 https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-12484412
1.3 https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2019/03/04/haamujohtajia-poytalaatikkoyhtioita-ja-pimeita-rahavirtoja-tietovuoto-paljastaa
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnSnQor8zDY
[3] https://streamable.com/sfmt2d
*Btw. this is pretty much as close to a paradise of an environment and a planet as it is possible to exist, and it requires and needs a considerable amount of strenuous effort to achieve the level of twisted and corrupted human-made rule-systems to warp, fracture and ruin the amount of value that the current level of infrastructure, societal peacefulness and technological advancement is creating and providing for the whole system.
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