We have the tools we need.
AND the capacity to train towards harnessing them skillfully.
So why are we as a society begging for trouble?
So forcefully and deliberately.
Even in a desperate fashion?!
Is it truly better to have a fashionable, trendy and politically correct (socially "safe", limited, fractured) view than a more complete and functional one?
Nowadays the point about the state of moderate people by John Cleese ("benefits of extremism") hits the spot HARD.
When there is a crime-wave going, is it good to join a band of criminals and limit the scope of actions towards only accusing and fighting off other crime-gangs, instead of working towards the restoration of an authentic (dynamic) system of order?
That requires (a constant) feedback, change and preservation, but also produces true benefits and plenitude.
Or would it be more comfortable to buy into the same nice marketing campaign just because a big enough of a crowd (according to the marketers) seems to do so?
Even though the effects of the hype won't last long.
Even though the uncertain and untrustworthy benefits of the products, behavior patterns, ideas, won't last long.
Even thought the total cost, the related risks, strains and disadvantages that weren't a part of the marketing campaign will last long.
So would it be a smart idea to build the house of your understanding as "everyone else", who are dumb enough to buy into the same mental asbestos?
"It seems to work (for a while), and is accepted be scientific community (on the politically influenced and dominated surface)!"
"The bubble-economy seems to increase wealth and alleviate poverty (for a tiny time-span, and from an impressively narrow viewpoint)!"
"This seems safe and good, we seem to be standing together (until reality, the total results, start stepping into the picture)!"
A crucial lack of understanding our current state(&thus also others); the shallowness&narrowness of our point of view can keep us chained to all of this suffering and madness, binding and enslaving us. Despite all the available and plentiful opportunities and cures, that are thus being forcefully distorted and denied by that blindness and the resulting arbitrary judgement.
With superficial and short-tempered "criticism" and almost total lack of introspection it is near impossible to earn any other kinds of results.
The temptations and marketing campaigns (framing) towards these kinds of insane and pathological behaviors seem to be flooding, so there might be a real challenge here (even thought all of this is blatantly and obviously insane and criminally stupid).
Supporting (even "legally") organized crime (terror organizations included), twisting markets and creating ever more unfair advantages for the already monopolistic companies and cartels might be worse than a bad idea. [1]
The 2008 housing market systematic-crime-wave should've been way more than enough. And after that there's been a constant flow of leaks big enough for their own to prove that urgent measures are needed: the Panama and Pandora's papers, the London LIBOR scandal etc..
Revealing that there is a need to reform our whole judiciary system as well.
The foundations that helped to lift humanity out of the dark ages have been rotting away. Breaking the foundations laid by f.ex. Magna Carta, even in brutal manners, as ECB has broken its mandate by making citizens of nations to pay for the "possibly" criminal behavior of Deutche Bank etc.. That have used unsustainable risks to make profit and the resulting bankruptcy as a cruel weapon to "extort" (also deceive on multiple levels) the people pay for the losses and damages.
Recent additions have been the contracts with a certain company with a long lasting criminal record, in similar fashion, but even with bigger scandals and farces than 10 years ago (then it was the EMA&GSK scandal, that P. Doshi among others wrote articles about). [2]
Sealing the deal with the careless outsourcing of the constitutional responsibilities and decision making to equivalently superficial politicians and journalists. Sugarcoating the toxic happymeal-combo. [3]
Instead of making hasty judgements and catastrophic(ally bind and automatic) reactions, it just might be a bit more reasonable, beneficial and wise to at least consider a bit about the situation at hand and our (inter)actions.
What if our marketed "opponents" could serve to complement our views?
And increase and sharpen our perceptions and knowledge by challenging them?
Of course there can be a lot of fanaticism and fundamentalism on both sides to block the healthy attempts, but there also are at least some people that are still capable for discussion about some topics and are not yet completely full of pathological behavior.
We can notice the similar patterns of thought, emotions and behavior in ourselves as well, and learn better to cultivate the cures and weed the diseased parts.
We can start gradually realizing the vicious circles of superficial or even arbitrary division, and recognizing what parts we are missing, complement our vision, and then OFFER help and support for the others to heal their views as well, towards an integrated understanding.
Some of the seeds will land on a fertile ground (true growth and healing cannot be forced or rushed).
Revealing and realizing that the superficially defined "opponent" can actually be our true friend and ally. And that the futile fighting, that still manages to cause even disastrous damage, is continuing on both sides, and it was started and it is continuing largely because neither "side" has recognized the actual enemies, dangers or diseases, neither their actual allies, tools and cures.
So instead of wasting the energy to feed the beast(s), we can learn to see the missing opportunities that become ever more clear as we broaden and sharpen our conception of the "battlefield*".
The emerging collection of beneficial states of clarity, calmness and connection (unity) serves for us as a lighthouse to pass through the smog of all this shallow arguing that is hiding the fertile areas behind them and wasting time.
So please, just stop for a moment.
"Let there be light!"
Habitable forms of order, created through true words, from the chaos. Thus turning the distorted and suffocated views, negligence and ignorance towards and increased clarity, caring and knowledge.
Starting with even a single spark of awareness in the mind and in the heart of the being.
[1] https://www.forbes.com/sites/afontevecchia/2012/07/16/hsbc-helped-terrorists-iran-mexican-drug-cartels-launder-money-senate-report-says/ (similar available for many other institutions as well, Nordea & its laundering of Russian mafia money etc.
1.1 https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-12475350
1.2 https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-12484412
1.3 https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2019/03/04/haamujohtajia-poytalaatikkoyhtioita-ja-pimeita-rahavirtoja-tietovuoto-paljastaa
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnSnQor8zDY
[3] https://streamable.com/sfmt2d
*Btw. this is pretty much as close to a paradise of an environment and a planet as it is possible to exist, and it requires and needs a considerable amount of strenuous effort to achieve the level of twisted and corrupted human-made rule-systems to warp, fracture and ruin the amount of value that the current level of infrastructure, societal peacefulness and technological advancement is creating and providing for the whole system.
sunnuntai 23. lokakuuta 2022
lauantai 1. lokakuuta 2022
Oikein tai uudestaan. Historiasta opitaan tai läksyt toistetaan.
Miltä maailma näyttäisi, jos päästäisimme sokeaan uskovaisuuteen jähmettyneet ihmiset päättämään ja vaikuttamaan lähes kaikkeen toimintaamme liittyvistä ehdoista ja säännöistä?
Näyttäisikös maailma juurikin tältä (tismalleen ja tarkasti)?
Onko kyse pimeästä keski-ajasta vai nykypäivästä:
-Kaikista oleellisimmista ("pyhimmistä") asioista ei edes kunnolla puhuta kansan kielellä, tai kansan keskellä.
-Kun jotain mainitaan, on kyseessä vain hallinnoivan uskonryhmän tulkinta, pieni pintahipaisu aiheeseen. (Silloin esim. "synti", "almut" tai "harhaoppineisuuus", nyt mm. "inflaatio", kriisi X, muodikas moralisointi-termi Y ja edelleen vanha tuo tuttu "harhaoppineisuus".)
-Tuhoisat tulokset johtuvat mielivaltaisesta kohteesta, silloin mm. "jumalan-viha" ja "harhaoppineisuus", nyt mm. "taloudellisten realiteettien laiminlyönti" ja "harhaoppineisuus".
Onko olemassa mitään käytännön eroa mielivaltaisessa toiminnassa, ja sen tuloksissa (virheissä, vahingollisuudessa, tuhoisuudessa), kun niitä ohjaavat näkemykset ja "perustelut" on vain maalattu erilaisella sanapaletilla?
Yhteiskuntamme perusteiksi, "strategiseksi infrastruktuuriksi", voisi hahmottaa mm. vedenjakelun, ravinnontuotannon, logistiikan, sähköverkot, ja tiedon, sekä tietoliikenteen.
Mutta löytyisikös vielä jokin rakenne, mikä ainakin nykyisin tuntuisi käytännössä dominoivan näitä kaikkia (ja kaikkea muutakin)?
"One ring to ru.." ..eikun siis entäs mikäs olikaan rahajärjestelmämme osuus, ja "terveydentila", joka "toimii" taloudellisten rakenteidemme ytimenä?
Meinaan tarkastellessamme näiden yhteisten rakenteidemme toimintaa niin löydämme suhteellisen nopeasti mm. näinkin hedelmällisiä kysymyksiä:
1. Kuinkas pitkälle pääsisimme kulkupelillä, jonka energian varastoinnista, voimansiirrosta, ja ohjauksesta emme tietäisi juuri mitään?
Eli vaikka poltto-aine-letku tai akusto vuotaisi virtaa järjestelmän ulkopuolelle ties kuinka paljon (ja ties kuinka rikollisille tahoille), niin emme viitsisi tarkastella sitä, vaan alati suuremmassa paineessa, kiireessä ja jopa paniikissa kiistelisimme että kuinka suuret uudet renkaat ja kuinka kiiltävä maalipinta nyt pitäisi saada, että nopeus (esim. BKT, tai palkkataso) kasvaisi, tai pysyisi edes paikoillaan (suhteessa hintatasoon).
2. Kannattaako asettaa yhteisen järjestelmän säännöt sellaiseen muotoon, että se hyödyttää sen käyttäjien sijasta sen hyväksikäyttäjiä?
Etenkin kun on kyse järjestelmästä joka ohjaa lähes kaikkea koko maailman taloudellista ja teollista toimintaa, aiheuttaen jatkuvasti lisääntyvien ja keinotekoisen rahoituspaineiden kautta täysin turhaa mutta silti alati katastrofaalisempaa painetta, joka johtaa väistämättä kapeakatseisuuteen, tuhlaukseen, pinnallisuuteen ja tartuttaa näihin liittyviä ominaisuuksia ja asenteita kaikkiin rakenteisiin jotka ovat sille alisteisia, eli siis kaikkeen taloudelliseen ja teolliseen toimintaamme, myös siis kaikkeen kulutuskäyttäytymiseemme, ja niihin liittyviin arvomaailmoihimme ja arvojärjestyksiimme jne..
Vastauksen saamme tietää pian.
Luottamus on käyttämämme rahajärjestelmän (ainoa) perusta.
Rahan valtaa on lisätty siihen pisteeseen saakka että se on jo pitkään toiminut (käytännössä ainoana) perusteena kaikelle yhteiskunnalliselle (ja taloudelliselle) toiminnallemme.
"Nyt on pakko tehdä näin, koska taloudelliset-realiteetit."
Ja kun sitten välillä edes puhutaan jostain ilmiöstä, esim. inflaatio, niin se tehdään yleensä erittäin pinnallisella tavalla.
Jättäen keskustelusta järjestelmällisesti pois erityisesti ne osat joiden kautta huomio pääsisi koskettamaan mm. tätä keinotekoista koronkiskontaa joka kohdistuu koko rahavarantoomme, ja joka aiheutuu rahajärjestelmämme perustavanlaatuisista virheistä. Ja tietysti myös se kuormitus joka aiheutuu järjestelmällisestä ja valtavasta talousrikollisuudesta, jonka on annettua jatkua sen monissa eri muodoissa, niin 2008 asuntomarkkinoiden kuplan ja sen puhkeamisen muodostaneen petosvyyhdin paljastumisen, kuin myös mm. Panaman- ja Pandoran-paperit kaltaisten tietovuotojen paljastaman järjestelmällisen ja valtavan ja kansainvälisen ja poliittisesti kytkeytyneen talousrikollisuuden osalta.
3. Kuinka valtavasti tukea ja täten voimavaroja mm. (poliittisen) vaikutusvallan lisäämiseen olemme antaneet kaikista törkeimmille talousrikollisilla tässä viimeisen parin vuosikymmenen aikana?
4. Mutta niin, kuinkas paljon tiedämmekään (edes perustietoja) käyttämämme rahajärjestelmän rakenteesta ja vaikutuksista?
Kuinka paljon meidän tarvitsisi tietää, jotta voisimme todella ohjata ja tiedostaa toimintamme vaikutuksia?
Jotta kykenisimme edes teoreettisesti ratkaisemaan näitä todellisia ongelmia joita kohtaamme yhteiskuntamme ja talousjärjestelmämme suhteen.
(Esim. toteuttaa todella ympäristö-ystävällisiä toimenpiteitä. Saavuttaa tasapainotila työmarkkinoilla, tai ylipäätänsä edes siedettävän terve tila minkä tahansa "markkinan" suhteen, kun tuntuu ettemme kykene ymmärtämään edes sitä että "energia-markkinamme" eivät ole aidot markkinat.)
Ehdottaisin että kokeilisimme muodostaa luottamusta aidosti toimivalla tavalla, eli tulosten kautta. Sillä vailla eheää ymmärrystä käyttämiemme välineiden toiminnasta, esim. taloudelliset tuet, leikkaukset, sakot tai lisäverot (tms.), saavutamme optimaaliset olosuhteet turhien vahinkojen aiheuttamiselle. Varsinkin jos jatkamme myös taloudellisten rakenteidemme suhteen lähes täyttä välinpitämättömyyttä ja näkökulmien supistamista jopa väkivaltaisilla tavoilla (keskustelun kieltäminen, henkilöön kohdistuvat hyökkäykset keskustelun välttämiseksi, lopettamiseksi jne. jne.).
5. Mikä on siis talouteen ja rahaan liittyvien järjestelmien todellinen muoto ja kunto?
Ja mikäs on niiden osuus kaikissa muissa haasteissa?
Eli kuinkas paljon kaikissa todellisissa ongelmissamme on lähes täysin turhaa painetta ja vastustusta, joka johtuu hierarkisesti ylempänä olevien järjestelmien virheistä, keinotekoisesta kitkakuormasta?
Tässä maassa on osaamista näihinkin aiheisiin liittyen yltäkylläisesti, mutta eri asia onkin, päästetäänkö todelliset osaajat ääneen ja näkyviin julkisuudessa.
Ongelmien muhiminen ja hyväksikäyttö näyttää edelleen olevan suositumpaa.
Kunnes koko rakenne pirstaloituu ja romahtaa.
Meillä on ns. lähes joka suhteessa (joka alalla) osaavaa palokuntaa ja myös tarvittavaa kalustoa kyllä valmiina, mutta onnettomuuspaikoille on tähän saakka sallittu pääsy lähinnä vain virallisesti hyväksytyiltä vianomaisilta. Kaiketi jotta ollaan voitu perustella näitä pinnallisia toimenpiteitä ja markkinoida niiden mielivaltaisuutta silottelevia näkemyksiä (ainoina).
Esim. paikallisvaluutta-ratkaisuilla voisimme suurelta osin välttyä väestöön kohdistuvilta vahingoilta (valtavine heijastevaikutuksineen). Jotka siis voivat olla katastrofaalisiakin, mm. kylmyyden suhteen, kun niin ihmiset kuin myös mm. kiinteistöt ovat alttiita suhteellisen lyhyaikaisillekin epävakaisuuksille (esim. valuutan romahtaessa tai kaatuessa) jne..
Maailmanlaajuisestikin tosin näyttäisi siltä että mitä suuremmat voimavarat, summat ja päätökset ovat kyseessä, niin sitä välinpitämättömämmin niihin on suhtauduttu ja sitä vähemmän niitä ja kaikkea niihin liittyvää on tarkasteltu tai tarkastettu.
Täten on lähes väistämätöntä että yhteiset rakenteet ja järjestelmät tuhoutuvat, koska kaikista vahvin ja suurin toiminta on kaikista eniten alttiina virheille, valheille ja hyväksikäytölle. Optimaalisissa olosuhteissa järjestelmän hyväksikäyttäjien kannalta, ja täysin ristiriidassa järjestelmän käyttäjien kannalta.
Eli jos tahdomme jatkossakin väkisin näitä lähes ylivoimaisia ongelmia, niin tämä nykyinen suuntamme on "..erittäin hyvä, täydellinen".
Mutta jos tahdomme hieman toimivampaa yhteiseloa, niin kaiketi olisi tarve edes pikkaisen tarkastella edes joitain näistä oleellisimmista rakenteistamme, säännöistämme ja järjestelmistämme.
Myös siis tätä kykyämme hahmottaa ja arvostaa tärkeysjärjestystä.
Osaamme kyllä käyttää näitä ja muita kykyjämme monien muiden järjestelmien suhteen, joten kykenemme kyllä laajentamaan ja soveltamaan niitä myös näiden ratkaisevan tärkeiden rakenteiden, sääntöjen ja järjestelmien suhteen.
Palkintona odottaa kaikissa niille alisteisissa (käytännössä kaikissa) elämän osa-alueissa tervehtyvät olosuhteet.
Vailla oleellisten rakenteiden ja osien tarkastusta, huoltoa ja päivitystä, koko järjestelmä hirttää kiinni, pettää tai tuhoutuu, väistämättä.
Meillä voi olla korkea aika miettiä hieman mm. sitä mitä aiheutuu jos annamme esim. idän kaupasta riippuvaisten alueiden kärsiä ja tuhoutua (emmekä esim. keskity aitoon kehitykseen, vaan annamme Käteisen ja Ollilan kaltaisten osaajien olla mm. Sitran johdossa jne.), ja kun mm. puhtaan juomaveden hinta nousee, niin kuinka houkuttelevat olosuhteet muodostuvat nimeltämainitsemattomien 2-3 suurvallan kilpailulle ryöstömurhauksessa tämänkin maan osalta?
Tietty helppoja poliittisia pisteitä taas saatavilla siitä että annetaan olosuhteiden lahota kohti sisällissotaa ja syytellään jatkuvista ja lisääntyvistä konflikteista vain toista osapuolta.
Vailla juuri mitään perehtymistä tai tarpeellisia toimenpiteitä itse tilanteeseen.
tiistai 26. heinäkuuta 2022
How will the future generations describe us?
How will the future generations describe us?
How will the future generations describe us?
What do we know about even the most critical mechanisms related to our current decisions, actions and the forms of organization (the structuring of our common systems)?
Mainly referring to the concept that we call a "society".
How does our money work?
What is the structure of it and the mechanism of its functions (creation, use and eradication)?
How stupid would it be to build even a house from a material that we don't know about?
And also simultaneously to build on a surface of which angle, stability or other properties we have no clue about.
Let alone try to build a whole world economy, nations and mega-corporations in conditions similar to these sort of settings.
How stupid is it to try to handle this common house and market of ours blindly?
Claiming to fix the eventual water damages(mold problems)--that are invited by the immense negligence--without even considering the leaks in the pipes or other obvious steps towards a real renovation.
Limiting the interactions to a setting where only buying constantly more moldy wood to pile on an ever increasing pile of poisonous blockade over the damages.
"Moldy wood?" One might ask.
Because even the suppliers of wood don't truly understand how water damages or mold problems form (or is using the situation in a profoundly sick way).
Basically there isn't no proper consideration of how excessive, all-pervading and unlimited water could even cause problems.
Similarly as the immense stupidity that there hasn't even been a proper consideration of how excessive, all-pervading and unlimited interest-profiteering, or usury, could cause problems.
Even though in the past it has been considered even to be one of the most serious crimes, on par with murder.
While the ongoing situation, setting and legislation is causing ever increasing strains, burdens, problems and diseases.
All neglected, out-sourced, dodged, disguised or hidden.
Scraped under the carpet of tomorrow.
Meanwhile the pile (of moldy wood) under the carpet just constantly keeps getting bigger.
As this way of setting and approach entails that there cannot be any other way of covering the costs, as to get constantly more moldy wood (as the surface area of the "fix" also increases, and the obvious mold problems need covering as well).
And to top the whole fiasco off, there are constant attempts to disguise the whole act and its diseased products as "responsible management and policy making" and "progress".
In the current way of organization there doesn't exist any money in the system to cover the interest of the former loan, if there isn't a new loan.
Yet another debt, that causes even more interest-burdens.
Multitudes more stupid and destructive than trying to fix a water damaged houses with the aforementioned manner.
As similar situations have been leading towards f.ex. the deterioration of societies that have been a foundation for insane cruelty and violence, even in the recent history.
Instead of proper expertise we have just use a pile of repeated rhetoric century after century as the main tools, excuses and "reasoning" for our actions and "advancements".
Neglecting or even ridiculing all the critical thinking and proper considering.
Using our superficiality to make room for manufacturing organized superficiality, widespread societal superficiality, with all the sick properties, causing even more unnecessary damage and destruction.
On a massive scale.
How stupid would it be to try to solve a problem with (f.ex. plastic) waste, without proper emphasis on the assessing of its production and diminishing the needs for its unnecessary use?
On a massive scale.
How stupid would it be to try to solve a problem with (f.ex. plastic) waste, without proper emphasis on the assessing of its production and diminishing the needs for its unnecessary use?
Or how insanely (criminally) stupid would it be to just cure the symptoms of a person and slowly witness the patients worsening condition, while neglecting basically everything related to the root causes (and/or exposures to risks) gradually revealing the interaction to be actual torture?
After the wars it was said that the apartment buildings were to be just used as a temporary solution to buy time to build REAL HOMES.
Please feel free to notice the pattern basically everywhere.
Superficiality, constant contradictions or rather worsening conflicts, in a situation that could be solved (probably quite efficiently) IF it would be truthfully confronted and addressed.
How many problems are we addressing and trying to solve without properly knowing the cause (let alone the possibilities to fix it)?
So more precisely, claiming to addressing them.
Leading to a situation where the situation gradually deteriorates.
How many problems are we addressing and trying to solve without properly knowing the cause (let alone the possibilities to fix it)?
So more precisely, claiming to addressing them.
Leading to a situation where the situation gradually deteriorates.
Why is it that there are so many similarly wasteful and blatantly disastrous problems that are just basically being allowed to continue to get worse and worse?
While the solution is not even truthfully being considered, even if its quite obvious to everyone who truly investigates, ponders and comprehends the situation for a tiny moment.
Where different actors compete who appears to be the most responsible and productive, while having no clue about how the system works. Or straight deceiving the public, and probably himself as well (a spectrum of stupidity, superficiality, ignorance and lies).
On the other hand our problems are completely compatible and similar to the unnecessary strain and conflict our monetary system produces.
As our whole money supply is based, and thus completely dependent on debt, and the "god-given?!?!!" right to create the debt (money), and to profit from the interests is decided without even proper discussion, let alone common knowledge and proper transparency.. although we have a lot to do to fix the whole public decision making, "democracy" as we say..).
And on top of that all the illegal and legal crimes are causing their respective disasters, damages and destruction, that are being neglected or even actively silenced (Panama- & Pandora-papers etc. are just the tip of the iceberg, and the lies in the media and the chronic incapability of our legal and political systems to handle the situation on top of that).
Revealing the actual ethical and moral capabilities of the circles that are benefiting from the current systems and arrangements.
We are lending the whole modern money supply, with interest, with 0 reason, with unsustainable strain, from a group of people of which actions and intentions we have only negative proof of.
Juggling, as in the hot-potato-game, who gets to pay the most burdens of the completely unnecessary frictions of the criminally insane legal arrangements.
But also all suffering in different degrees, gradually more and more, as the amount of money that can be used to pay the interest, does not exist in the system if there isn't more debt to be taken.
Vicious-circle at its worst.
At the root of all our economical decisions and actions.
Causing similar properties to spread to everything we do.
Thinking include
We have been constantly warned, for over a hundred years, even by Nobelists of natural sciences.
By people who knew how to make something ACTUAL to ACTUALLY WORK (f.ex. Frederick Soddy).
That have also offered solutions or at least some actual steps to start building towards functioning systems of an operational society.
While being ignored, rejected or even ridiculed with no reason.
Based on the similar social pressures and trendy fashion-climates of baseless opinions, that are growing their influence nowadays in alarming rates.
Pieces of their ideas and work have been later taken (stolen) without proper acknowledgement (probably partly by the same people that spat on them previously).
And the problems have continued to grow, outpacing even the immense technological advancement, which have even been increased by the benefits of a functioning infrastructure; during relatively long time of peace (that should NOT be a rare fortune, IF we had a healthy and functioning systems of "society").
The results of the studies about alleviation of poverty by UN/WB have been mainly because of the use of different value of dollars (in my books just plain deceit), and now we are facing an actual crisis (with real products; wheat, fertilizers) on top of the (relatively imaginary and arbitrary) monetary (debt) problems.
This could result in similar or even more damage to human lives than what the previous world wars afflicted.
How many have already been lost?
How many are suffering at this moment?
What is the the current pressure even to your life and the lives of those near you? (Even here, in the "winning" nations.)
Economic warfare is no joke.
Especially if its actions are allowed to continue and increase unhinged century after century.
Do we remember what kind of evidence we have about the ethical and moral excellence of the Aristocracy from the past?
Well at least we are all being exploited now, gradually more "equally".
As slowly and gradually one by one the countries crumble and succumb under the weight of the ever increasing burdens of the ever tightening vicious-circle of the debt-slavery.
The emotionally and "intellectually" manipulated and hijacked people tend to repeat (like parrots) things like:
"Hey, stop complaining, our country is doing fine.. compared to *this and that*."
Even the winners lose in this race, a race that is pointless to begin with.
And gradually gets more violent, sick and destructive.
From the point of view of a functional (societal) system at least.
But from the point of view of an Aristro-Crazy, this arrangement might be just the sort of way to bring back the worst of the old times.
As slowly and gradually one by one the countries crumble and succumb under the weight of the ever increasing burdens of the ever tightening vicious-circle of the debt-slavery.
The emotionally and "intellectually" manipulated and hijacked people tend to repeat (like parrots) things like:
"Hey, stop complaining, our country is doing fine.. compared to *this and that*."
Even the winners lose in this race, a race that is pointless to begin with.
And gradually gets more violent, sick and destructive.
From the point of view of a functional (societal) system at least.
But from the point of view of an Aristro-Crazy, this arrangement might be just the sort of way to bring back the worst of the old times.
Maybe we should think a bit and figure something out, before suffering continuously more (relative to the actual possibilities) and exposing the younger generations to gradually worsening conditions to observe and act upon the problems (with all the increasing manipulation by these kinds of "social" platforms for one).
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